a Tribute & Celebration of People ofColor.

Who & Why We Are …

A Tribute & Celebration of People of Color …

Melanin Diaspora is a celebration of People of Color as a Nation. We welcome All People of all nations who mean well and want to take part in our celebration to join. Take the opportunity to be part of something much richer and greater than yourself. Get to know the rich cultural heritage of the several different streams of African (Melanin) Diaspora, spread all over the World. We were all created equal in Gods image and so we go on to extend our welcoming arms towards the World.

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and therefor mission is to have everyone in the World that identifies with us to wear our clothing around the World. We pledge to provide the highest quality clothes to make YOU, as our supporter, feel comfortable and be able to afford our clothing. Please feel encouraged to contact us on how you can support us to achieve our goal, mission.

One People, One Vision, One Mission.

Customer Service: purchases@md4u.shop

Site: md4u.shop

Melanin Diaspora

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