Cookies Policy

By visiting and/or using the website, the user agrees that MD4U ( uses cookies in accordance with the preferences indicated by the user via the cookies settings panel.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that store and retrieve information about the user’s browsing or use of a website. What types of cookies are there?

Below is a classification of cookies according to a series of categories:

According to the entity that manages them Own cookies: these are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by the publisher and from which the service requested by the user is provided. Third-party cookies: these are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed not by the publisher, but by another entity. According to the term in which they remain activated

Session cookies: Allows data to be collected and stored while the user visits a website, and they disappear when the session ends. Persistent cookies: the data remains stored in the terminal and can be consulted and processed for a certain period of time.

According to their purpose

Technical cookies: these make it possible to surf and use the different options or services that exist on the website. They also allow the use of certain additions that complete the functions of the website and allow the integration of security elements, identify the user’s session, enable payment facilities, etc.

Preference or personalization cookies: these make it possible to remember information so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be displayed in a search, the appearance or the content of the service depending on the type of browser used to access the service, etc.

Analysis or measurement cookies: these allow the tracking and analysis of the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the effect of advertisements.

Advertising behavior cookies: these store information about the user’s behaviour, obtained through the continuous observation of surfing habits and which allow the creation of a specific profile to which specific advertising can be offered.

What types of cookies are used on the Web?

Own cookies

Third party cookies:

– Facebook :

– Microsoft:

– Google:

– Pinterest:

– Linkedin:

– TikTok:

The user may be notified of transfers to third countries made by third parties, where appropriate, in their respective policies.

– Session cookies

– Persistent cookies

– Technical cookies

– Personalized cookies

– Analysis cookies

If the cookies on the website are expanded or changed, the cookies policy will be adjusted appropriately.

How can cookies be enabled and blocked? The user can configure cookies through the control panel provided on the website. In addition, users can access their browser’s options and instructions through the following links:

  • Internet Explorer cookie settings

  • Firefox cookie settings

  • Google Chrome cookie settings

  • Safari cookie settings

  • Opera cookie settings

These browsers are subject to updates or changes, so we cannot guarantee full compliance with the browser version.

The user should note that if he accepts cookies from third parties, he must allow them to be deleted from the browser options. If the user disables the use of cookies, he/she can continue to use the website, but the use of some of its functions may be restricted.

For more information on the processing of identifying information through the use of cookies, the user can consult the Privacy Policy

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