General User Terms & Conditions

Access to the Website

Access to the Website

The General Access and Use Conditions govern access to and use of the Website that MD4U makes available to Internet users in order to provide them with information about MD4U, its products and/or services. The content of the Website is exclusively intended for persons older than 14 years of age. When registering on the Website to receive newsletters, the user must declare that he/she is older than 14 years of age. To this end, MD4U reserves the right to request proof of age from the user at any time. In the event that MD4U determines that the user is not of the required age or that the user does not answer MD4U’s request, or does not answer correctly, MD4U will terminate the user’s registration. Access to and use of the Website by the user implies acceptance of these General Conditions of Access and Use. We therefore ask you to read the General Access and Use Conditions carefully when you intend to use the Website, as they can be modified and/or changed at any time. If you do not accept the present General Conditions of Access and Use, please refrain from using the Website and its contents.

User Account & Use Of Website

As soon as the user registers on the Website, MD4U will inform the user of the account and access codes through the access codes through the means of contact indicated by the user.

The user undertakes to make careful use of the Website, as well as the information relating to the products and/or services it contains, in full compliance with the applicable regulations and the General Conditions of Access and Use.

Consequently, the user undertakes the following:

  • To respect other users of the Website.

  • Not to comment or post any content that is (i) unauthorized, violent, pornographic, racist, derogatory or violent; and/or (ii) is inappropriate or irrelevant with regard to MD4U’s business, its products and/or services.

  • Not to perform any actions aimed at damaging, rendering unusable and/or overloading the Website or hindering its normal use and/or functioning in any way.

  • Not to transmit any content that may contain viruses, scripts or other malicious code or programs with destructive or harmful properties or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware.

  • Not to disrupt or in any way affect the security of the Website, and not to misuse the resources, services and products available on the Website.

  • Access, modify, modify and/or reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble or otherwise disrupt the Site.

  • Not to insert any data or hyperlinks on the Website, except those expressly permitted by MD4U in accordance with the provisions of the “Link Policy” section.

  • Do not request login details or access an account that belongs to another user.

  • Not to perform any actions that may disrupt, overload or affect the proper functioning of the Website.

  • May not create more than one personal account per user. ·         Not to use the account registered on the Website for financial gain.

  • Not to share your login details or take any actions that endanger the security of your account.

  • Notifying MD4U, via the account, of any security and confidentiality incident related to your account.

  • Log out of your user account once you have finished accessing and using the Website.

Users are informed that, if they fail to comply with the General Conditions of Access and Use or with any other condition on the Website, MD4U reserves the right to limit, suspend and/or suspend their access to the Website. by taking technical measures necessary to that end , at any time and without notice.

MD4U makes every effort to ensure that the Website functions properly, to avoid errors or, where appropriate, to correct them, and to properly update the content of the Website. However, MD4U does not guarantee the availability and continuity of access to the Website or the absence of errors in its content, or that the content will be updated in a timely manner. MD4U reserves the right to change, delete and/or update the information on the Website, its configuration or presentation at any time.


Both access to the Website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the user.

The user is also responsible for the security and confidentiality of the account and login details.

MD4U shall under no circumstances be liable in any of the following cases:

For all damage and/or losses that may arise directly or indirectly from the access to or use of the information on the Website and in particular information relating to third parties other than MD4U, including, but not limited to, damage and/or losses caused by the introduction of viruses and/or computer attacks.

For any damage that users may suffer as a result of improper use of the Website or of malfunctions, interruptions, absence and/or defects in communication. For any damage and/or harm to the user’s software or hardware as a result of accessing the Website. For any infringement of the Website, or any of its elements, committed by an entity other than MD4U. For infringements resulting from the late implementation by the user of updates/versions of any software provided from MD4U. For any infringement resulting from the use of the Website and/or the Game that is not in accordance with the conditions permitted under the General Conditions of Access and Use and any other applicable conditions. For any incident, suspension, interruption or disruption of the Internet that prevents the availability and/or continuity of access to the Internet.

The user is liable for damage of any kind that MD4U could suffer as a result of breach of one of the obligations to which it is subject under the General Access and Use Conditions or the applicable legislation regarding the use of the Website. is.


Users of the website may post their own comments on the MD4U blog, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General Access and Use Conditions.

The person identified as the one who submitted the comment will be responsible for it. The comment in no way reflects the opinion of MD4U.

MD4U is not liable for errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may appear in the comments posted, nor for damage that may result from the posting of the comments.

The user who publishes the comment transfers to MD4U, in any medium, the rights for the reproduction, use, dissemination, public communication or any other activity related to that comment.

The user also declares that he/she owns the rights to the comments, if any, or guarantees that he/she has the necessary rights and permissions from the author for their use by MD4U.

MD4U cannot be held liable for any damage that may be caused by the use, reproduction, dissemination or public communication or any other activity carried out on the content protected by intellectual property rights of third parties, without the user informing the owners thereof. has obtained the necessary authorization to carry out the use it intends to carry out.

Social Networks

MD4U has profiles on certain social networks (such as, for example, Facebook and Instagram), with the aim of providing information about its products and/or services.

Users who join one of the profiles that MD4U has opened on social networks must respect and comply with the terms and conditions of the social network in question.

MD4U may perform the following actions:

  • Access to the public information of the user’s profile.

  • Send individual messages through the social network channels, where allowed.

  • Update the status of the profile to be displayed on the user’s profile.

MD4U reserves the right to organize competitions, promotions and/or tombolas through its accounts on the social networks.


MD4U may place advertising content and/or sponsorship of third parties on the Website. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Website fully complies with the law which, in each case, may be applicable.

MD4U is therefore not liable for any errors, inaccuracies and/or irregularities that may occur in the content of the advertising or sponsorship, nor for failure to comply with the applicable legislation.

Linking Policy (“Links”)

a) Links to the Website

  • Third parties who intend to include on a website (“Linking Site”) a link to the Website, or a frame with the Website, must necessarily obtain the prior written consent of MD4U.

  • Under no circumstances does MD4U’s consent imply that it endorses, promotes, guarantees and/or recommends the contents and/or services of the Linking Site, or that it is responsible for the contents of the Linking Site.

  • The Linking Site must comply with applicable law and under no circumstances may it host its own or third-party content that is unlawful and/or harmful (violent, racist, derogatory, etc.) and/or is inappropriate or irrelevant in relation to the products and/or services from MD4U.

  • In case of violation of any of the aforementioned conditions, MD4U will immediately revoke the permission granted to the Linking Site, which will remove the link.

b) Links to other websites

  • The Website may contain various links that allow the user to access other websites (“Linked Sites”).

  • Accordingly, MD4U is not responsible for the content, terms of use, privacy policy and other terms of the Linked Sites, and it is the sole responsibility of the user to verify and accept them each time he/she accesses and uses makes of these sites.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All intellectual property rights, designs, databases, underlying software (including source codes), as well as the various elements that make up the Website (texts, graphics, photos, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, etc.) [the “Content”], its structure, selection and sequence are the property of MD4U or, as the case may be, its license provider(s).

The decals on the Website are the property of MD4U or its license provider(s). Likewise, the domain names on which the Website is hosted are owned by MD4U.

By means of these General Conditions of Access and Use, the user is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, making public without express permission the Website, its contents and/or the emblems and domain names owned by MD4U , to make it available, to enlarge and/or to distribute it in any other way.

Unauthorized use of the content, as well as damage caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of MD4U, may give rise to the exercise of the actions for which it is legally entitled and to the liabilities that may arise therefrom.

Protection of Personal Data

Aspects related to the processing of the personal data of users of the Website are governed by the Privacy Policy.

Void Declaration

If one of the provisions of the General Conditions of Access and Use is declared invalid or ineffective in whole or in part, this invalidity or ineffectiveness will only affect this provision or the part thereof that is invalid or ineffective. The remainder shall remain in effect, and only the provision or portion thereof which is ineffective shall be deemed ineffective. For these purposes, the General Contractual Conditions shall only cease to be valid in respect of the invalid or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision of the same shall be invalid, invalid, affected or affected by such invalidity or ineffectiveness.

Applicable Law & Competent Court Selection

Access to and use of the Website are governed by and construed in accordance with British law. In case of contradiction or discrepancy in interpretation and/or application of the General Conditions of Access and Use, the competent courts shall be those provided for by the applicable legal regulations.

Customer Service:


Melanin Diaspora

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